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Smidget's	Underworld



We sit together in his room,
The lights on and darkness looms.
He lays down as I begin
To read a book, beginning to end.
When I finish reading to him
He picks up another, no lights dim.
But this time he reads to me
A book a bout becoming free.
He reads of a catapillar
Hungry for adventure,
Searching for his resaon
For livin'
But in the end he looks at me
With his eyes as blue as the sea
And Flashes a front-toothless grin to me
I know you want to be free.
I turn off the light
And all that is bright
Is the stars in the sky
I scratch his back knowing he will fly
One day in this cruel world
Fixed in it's turmoil
And rotten ways
But may he be light in so many ways.