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Smidget's	Underworld

I Look...


Ocean tears drops drip down my face,
With it's salty bitterness stinging my tongue.
I look to the crying sky
And ask "Why?"

Why must the world be so cold to the heart,
That it rips the very soul in two?
I look to the bleeding earth
And ask "What?"

What makes the thorns of life so painful,
That you feel like your going to be sick?
I look to the wilting rose
And ask "When?"

When will time strike and ring
With it's foreshadowing death tones?
I look to the ticking clock
And ask "Where?"

Where is their shelter from the storms
That beat me senseless and rape my soul?
I look to the weathering house
And ask "How?"
How does this journey through life hurt me so
That sometimes it doesn't seem worth to live?
I look to the darkening path
And ask "Who?"

Who is there left for me to turn to
On this empty barren place?
I look to the empty faces
And stay silent.