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Smidget's	Underworld

What Would You Do


What would you do
If I said I was leaving?
Would you tell me I was joking,
Would you tell me no don't go,
Would you tell me that I will be back,
Or would you just let me leave?

What would you do
If I said I hated myself?
Would you tell me that I couldn't,
Would you tell me to calm down,
Would you tell me don't do anything dumb,
Or would you tell me that you loved and
cared for me no matter what?

What would you do
If I thought about suicide one day?
Would you tell me that I am stupid,
Would you ask me why,
Would you leave me alone,
Or would you listen to me until I changed my mind?

What would you do
If I was to die that very second?
Would you say that I am faking,
Would you come to my funeral,
Would you cry your eyes out,
Or would you laugh and smile for me?