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The Whispering Well

    Jade was walking through the woods holding her teddy-bear, Smidget. As she approached the darkest part of the woods, where ghost and zobies move arround, she began to feel frighten and she held Smidget even closer. "What is over there, Smidget?" said Jade in a small, tiny voice. She walked over to this well that was built in the middle of a circular clearing, "This wasn't here when I walked this way to school this morning." Jade glanced at her watch, it was almost 4 and her mom was expecting her to be there soon.

     As she contiued to walk passed the well, she heard a soft wailing sound coming from the well. She walked closer. "Who's there?" her voice was began to shake.

    "Come little girl, come and I want to show you comething." said a mysterious raspy whisper.

    "What do you want? Who are you? What is your name?" she asked the unknown voice.

    "You may call me Jade. This well belongs to your family, you great grandparents built before they died. I have come to warn you, Jade, that your parents do like you. They are coming to get you. I heard them say as they walked past me, that you were a mistake that has ruined their lives." replied the whisper.

    "No, you are lying, they would never think that!" Jade screamed at the well.

    "Am I? I can show you if you come to the well," calmly replied the speaker of the well.

     Jade walked reluctantly towards the well, and looked into the water. She heard her mom's laughter as she watched her mom and and dad walk past the well, "She was a mistake when she was brought into this world, an abomination."

     "Then you are telling me the truth?" she asked the well. The water began to move as if it were raining. Jade stared closer into the water. Jade began to feel a pressure on her back forcing her to fall into the well. She struggled for air, but the force kept pulling her down closer to the bottom.

"Jade, where are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago. It is getting late. Where are you?" cried her mother as she looked for her daughter. She wondered for what seemed like forever; running in circles and looking under every bush, "This isn't fun-" Then she saw her daughters teddy-bear laying on the ground next to a well. She ran to the well, and she screamed in horror as her daughter lay face down, floating, dead. td>