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Smidget's	Underworld

Speak or Forever Hold Your Piece


She stares at the knife,
And then at her wrist.
She wants to be rid
Of this burden,
That lay upon her shoulders.

Words haunt her mind:
Easy. Nice. Numb.
Her ex’s words stab at her
Tear at her soul and mind.

“You’re easy.
All I have to do is
Get you alone
Make you sick
And your mine for the taking”

Events tear at her body:
Cuts. Bruises. Blood.
Her ex’s hands haunt her
On all his returns.

She wanted to play
But he would touch her
She wanted to be free
Free of this forever.
She wanted to kill herself.

To cut circulation.
Pins and knifes
To draw the blood.

But someone would stop her.
Someone believed in her.
Believed that she could make it.
But she fails him
Again and Again.

She would never be able to stop it.
She lets pain control her mind.
Speak or forever hold your peace.

Forever hold your peace
To save herself
The embarrassment
Of him knowing that
She failed him.