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Smidget's	Underworld

The First


To know that one day
A seed will bloom within me
Scares me half to death
For life is not mine to decide.
Would I be able to care for it?
Would it like me?
What if something goes wrong?
What if it never takes it's first breath?
To know that one day
I will make a decision
To keep this delicate flower
Makes my knees go weak.
Will I have enough money?
Will I have too high expectations?
What do I do when it cries?
What do I do when it falls ill?
To know that one day
This flower will continue to grow
Spread it's petals to the sky and fly away
Makes me want to cry.
How will I let it go?
How do I go on?
What do I do when it falls?
What do I do?