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Smidget's	Underworld

The Open Closet Door


There is something in there,
Something unknown.
I peer above my blankets
To look at the closet,
I am too scared to move
Or even scream,
My body tingles with dread,
As I see two blue eyes
Staring at me,
I quickly cover my head and toes,
Because I heard the thing inside there
Eats little Kids toes.
I heard footsteps coming my way.
Its hands grabbed the top of my covers,
Then, in one swift movement,
It pulled off the covers.
I screamed until my parents came running in.
They looked at my brother and laughed,
Everyone went to their rooms.
It is safe to sleep,
But just in case I took a peek,
Back at the open closet door,
I saw two more yellow eyes looking at me.
No one in my family has yellow eyes.
So who could this be?