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Smidget's	Underworld

To My Crazy Mom


To: My Crazy Mom,
Which is why I write this letter
I got to thinking while I prayed,
That you should have a special day.
A day completely dedicated to my thanks for you.
So I sat and talked to God
And while I dreamed I had an idea.
To show how much I am grateful for you
And how much I thank you
For everything you’ve done for me.
And as I write this letter
God told me to make a list
Of everything that makes you a perfect mom for me.
So have a seat and relax,
This may take a while.

I thank you for my life and the heart that comes with it.
I thank you for your special hugs and kisses.
I thank you for your special touch that heels my pain.
I thank you for always being there when I need you most.
I thank you for believing when I was down and up.
I thank you for loving me even when I have done wrong.
And before we have a sleepover,
Because my list is so long
I better sum my thank you’s up
So I thank you for everything
With Whipped cream and cherries on top!

But don’t get up just yet
For I am not finished
I still have to tell you my plan.
God and I came up with this idea
Just last night
So forgive me if I’m hastened
I haven’t got all day.
God and I decided that you should have a day
A day where everything is in honor of you.

So I choose this day!
I could have called it
Special Day or Thankful Day
Love Day or even Mom’s Smile Day!
But God said to keep it simple
So I have agreed that your very special day

Is now and forever Mother’s Day.

And to: My Crazy Father,
Who I know is jealous
I will find a day for you
But for now;

To: My Crazy Mom,
That this letter is really for,
I love you with all my heart.
Happy Mother’s—

Oh Wait!
I also wanted to thank God
For allowing me the privilege
Of having someone like you!

Have A Happy Mother’s Day!

Sincerely, Your Crazy Child!