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Smidget's	Underworld

True Friend


A true friend
would listen to you speak,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
would talk about her feelings
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would trust you with her secrets,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would tell you when you are wrong,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would respect all your decisions,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would drop all of her plans to help you,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would complement you for sticking up for yourself,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would always be there for you,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would never believe a rumor to be true
unless she asked about it first,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would never allow the relationship of a boy
to come between them,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would never abandon you in a time of need,
If given the chance to.

A true friend
Would still think, ponder, worry, and care
even when they are no longer friends
Because that is all I have the chance to do now.

This WAS written for a certain person, after one day reading her blog
and she said something about "True friends" However, she blocked me,
and I blocked her. And she doesn't answer her emails. So just a note
to you the reader: I have a friend, or should I say had a friend that
would constantly scream and vent at me about all of the things that are
listed in the poem. Therefore, I was a fake friend, just as fake as all
of her ex-boyfriends since that is how she treated me half the time.
However I thought that I was never given the chance to even try to be a
"true friend to her. I feel that I have been treated unfairly in the
unwritten rules of friendships. I mean at one point in her life she decided
that I knew absolutely nothing about her, so she wrote me a letter that
told me everything that happened to her as if I was a child. What I don't
understand is that she wrote in a light that I never had anything like it
ever happen to me in my life, but every little thing in that specific letter
had happened to me before too.